
Company Data

River Château Hotel

Venue: River Château Gestione srl
P.IVA: 07321381001
Business Register Office: Roma
REA Numeber: 1025584
Shared Capital: 10.000,00
Parent Company: Immobilriver srl

A stay… without thoughts

In the charming Ponte Milvio, the most fascinating and lively place in Rome, The River Château Hotel has built for you a package that allows you to live your travel experience in peace. Book now

Roman holidays

In the charming Ponte Milvio, the most fascinating and lively place in Rome, The River Château Hotel, wants you to relive the splendor of the "Dolce Vita". Included in the package is an original VESPA scooter where you can travel the most evocative places of the ETERNAL city without traffic restrictions. Book now